“I had ambition not only to go farther than any man had ever been before, but as far as it was possible for a man to go.” - Joseph Conrad
Saturday, July 26, 2008
U.S. Naval Forces, Korea (CNFK)
Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Korea (CNFK) is the Navy's regional commander for the Republic of Korea. The CNFK mission is to provide leadership and expertise in Naval matters to area military commanders, including the Commander in Chief for the United Nations Command, the Republic of Korea (ROK)/U.S. Combined Forces Command (CFC), and Commander, United States Forces Korea (USFK). CNFK also function as a liaison to the ROK Navy, the CFC staff in armistice and in wartime, as well as to the Yokosuka, Japan-based Commander, U.S. Seventh Fleet.
Although CNFK normally has no seagoing forces assigned, there are approximately 300 active duty Naval personnel assigned to various joint, combined, and Navy billets throughout the ROK peninsula. These personnel are actively engaged in planning and execution of numerous operations and exercises throughout the Korean theater.
CNFK's armistice priorities are aimed at preparing the force for conflict in the event deterrence fails. CNFK conducts contingency planning for Naval forces ashore with the CFC staff and the U.S. Seventh Fleet to refine the theater plans. CNFK's staff of 84 personnel in Seoul manages U.S. Naval issues on the peninsula during armistice.
CNFK is also responsible for Commander, Fleet Activities Chinhae (CFAC), and U.S. Naval Forces Korea Detachment Pohang. CFAC is a support base that coordinates all U.S. Navy ship port visits and provides liaison to the ROK Navy on training and operations. CNFK Det Pohang is co-located with ROK Marine Base Pohang, and is responsible for coordinating ROK training areas and firing ranges for use by U.S. forces. They are also responsible for maintaining fuel and ordnance storage and reserves.