Your true desires are those that resonate from within. They are feelings you have on every subject that is important to you. When you think of something that is in harmony with your true desires, it always feel good; if it does not, then your thoughts are misaligned. The Universe is matching your every feeling (desires) with objects in your reality, no exceptions. As things unfold, you sometimes make erroneous conclusion about the true effect of a person, event or circumstance which causes you to respond inappropriately. This reaction undermines a crucial step in the process of manifestation. The Universe then has to recreate a similar person, event or circumstance to complete that missing step. Until this done, the process cannot move forward. You get frustrated and impatient about the delay without realising that the cause is 'you'. If you would just let go and allow things to unfold fully, even if you cannot figure out their reasons, you will be in sync with the efforts of the Universe and this enables your desires to manifest quickly and smoothly.